If you think that Christmas is all the same for all people, you are wrong. In different parts of the world there are different traditions and habits. Moreover, there are parts of the world where there are no Christmas, nor even Xmas! Anyhow, for those, who are interested to know about the special climbers Christmas traditions, we want to present an old Christmas tradition, that survived few centuries and is still practiced in some parts of Lithuania.
Climbers, who practice this tradition, do not expect presents in casual socks or under the Christmas tree. Instead, they modestly hang their chalk bag above the fireplace. Modern version is of this tradition is to hang the chalk bag on the heating element, as it is believed, that Santa Claus always comes near the heating element, because he gets cold while going very fast around the world. While getting warm he puts a spell of luck on the bag, and, if you weren't too naughty during the year, a present.
It is also believed, that Santa Claus is a pretty good climber himself, mostly practicing chimney routes and ice climbing. He rarely uses any safety devices although his style includes large dynos! Nevertheless, we must not forget that he must be the most experienced climber on Earth.
Šilelis club wishes You Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!