Monday, July 27, 2009

To Climb or Not To Climb

That is NOT the question! Of course, to climb. But there are small exceptions. Somedays you might feel that your body is against climbing.

The most prominent signs of such a situation are:
-you realize you are not calm,
-you do not have a clear control of the rock,
-you miss good holds,
-feel as you have never climbed before.

It is then obvious, that your body needs something else, most probably a good session of drinking :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Silelis Accepts Help

You still keep your old shoes, because you think someone who will want to try out climbing might use it? Bring it to Silelis club. From time to time there appear people who would like to join our club and try out climbing, but I cannot help them if they have a feet which is not 36 or 43! We accept even very smelly shoes!